Our mission is to work in the development, manufacturing and commercialization of pharmaceutical products and services under the current standards of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and to continuously improve in order to provide benefits for our clients, the community and our shareholders.
Our vision is to be recognized both as local manufacturers as well as key commercial partners for foreign companies within ten years. We also would like to offer products and services made with the latest innovative technology and procedures to generate benefits for the wellbeing of the community and, of course, our clients.
Trabajamos con ética y con los mejores profesionales capacitados del país, lo que nos permite entregar servicios y productos de calidad.
Trabajamos cuidadosamente en la elaboración de nuestros productos y servicios respetando y cuidando la vida humana, la vida animal y el medio ambiente.
Trabajamos con profesionalismo, confidencialidad y compromiso en todas nuestras tareas. Cumplimos las normas técnicas a cabalidad.
The idea to establish “Naturalquimic” Ltd. & Co. emerged from a conversation between José Antonio Salinas, an experienced engineer in pharmaceutical production, and a friend with good expertise in sales while they were both looking for some extra income in addition to their jobs. It was there, after an informal business meeting at a little delicatessen called “El Español” located in the “La Mariscal” a neighborhood in Quito, that the beginning of the new company was born. One mid-morning in March of 1994, the general goals and terms of Naturalquimic Ltd. & Co. were detailed on a paper napkin [1].
So, with the napkin in one hand and the support of a lawyer, the company launched on May 27th, 1994. The next step was the approval by the Superintendence of Companies, which finally happened on July 7th of the same year. Shortly therafeter, on July 27th, Naturalquimic, Ltd. & Co, was authorized to operate by the Commercial Register [2].
At the end of 1995, the company settled on the ground floor of a residential house in Toledo street, beginning that year with the commercialization of veterinary products from third parties [1].
In 1996, the company obtained permission to manufacture its own veterinary products by third parties. This year, Naturalquimic began to register and sell its own line of products while gradually improving its process equipment and facilities to manufacture oral pharmaceutical veterinary products [1].
In 2001, the construction of the small pharmaceutical production plant began on a lot of land in the parish of San Antonio de Pichincha near the monument “Mitad del Mundo” northwest of Quito. It progressed parallel with the activities at the facilities in Quito. That same year, two new pieces of filling equipment were acquired from National Instruments, USA. This new equipment helped to raise productivity and allowed the manufacturing of oral and injectable products. In the following years the company expanded and consolidated the third parties services [1].
In 2009, the first phase of the new San Antonio plant was ready and regular production began at all the facilities.
In January 2011, a new regulation for GMP was published in the “Registro Oficial” N° 359, requesting that all pharmaceutical companies present a plan to gradually implement GMP according to N° 32 Issue Report from World Health Organization (WHO). To perform this task, a professional pharmaceutical chemist joined the team, undertaking the implementation of a Quality Management System and GMP [3].
Similarly, in mid-2014, negotiations began for the company to operate simultaneously as a representative home for accredited international pharmaceutical companies to sell high-quality drugs, and consequently improve the human health system in Ecuador.
Today Naturalquimic, as it has for over twenty years, bases its achievements on loyalty, professionalism and a constructive spirit, always delivering to the Ecuadorian market high quality products and services. The company has stable management and policies, always upholding itself in the face of new conditions and changing markets, allowing it to maintain sustainable development in the future.
1. Salinas A. Interview Ing. José Antonio Salinas. Quito; 2015.
2. Salgado Valdez R, Notario Vigésimo Noveno. Constitución de la Compañía Productos Químicos y Naturales “Naturalquimic Cía. Ltda.” Quito: Notaría Vigésima Novena; 1994.
3. Gobierno del Ecuador. Registro Oficial N° 359. Reglamento de Buenas Prácticas para Laboratorios Farmacéuticos. 359 Ecuador: Editora Nacional; 2011.